Jan & Susan Huffman

Certified Health Coaches


Monday 8:30 - 9:00 PM 646-519-5860 pin 0971# Nurses’ Support Call: Join Lori Andersen, RN, for this weekly call. Every week, Lori provides our callers with supportive information to maximize success with their weight-loss and health goals! Be sure to listen in and participate in this inspirational call. Anyone and everyone is encouraged to participate in this call. Add*
Wednesday 8:30 - 9:00 PM 646-519-5860 pin 0971# Physicians’ Support Call: Listen and participate in this call, where Dr. Wayne Andersen, Medical Director and Co-Founder of Take Shape For Life, or one of his colleagues discusses current topics regarding creating a healthy weight and a physically optimal life. Add*
Wednesday 8:00 - 8:30 PM 512-225-9427 pin 77421# Habits of Health Maintenance Call: For this fun, interactive call, Lori Andersen, RN, coordinates discussions with various Masters of Weight Loss who have lost 60+ lbs. and kept the weight off for at least 4 years. Each week, Lori and her guest(s) share helpful hints and tips for everyone on the Maintenance Program. Be sure to listen and participate in this exciting, informative call. Add*
Monday 9:00 - 9:45 PM 512-305-4638 pin 99662# Take Shape For Life Field Leadership Call: Led by Dr. Wayne Andersen and our Field Leaders, anyone interested in building a successful business and staying current with all that is happening with Take Shape For Life needs to listen in and participate in this incredible call. Add*
Wed Aug 31 7:30 PM 5 Daly Street
Worcester, MA
Jan & Susan Huffman's Welcome and Support Group Meeting Add*
Mon Sep 19 7:30 PM 27 Indiana Terrace
Newton Upper Falls, MA
Jan & Susan Huffman's Welcome and Support Group Meeting Add*
Wed - Sun July 18 - 22, 2012 Gaylord National Hotel, National Harbor, MD National Convention Add*
* To add this event to your calendar (such as Microsoft Outlook), click Add. You will be asked if you want to Open or Save the event file. If you Open the event, your default calendar program will automatically open a window in which you can review and edit the information and then save it.